Kellerbier 20 L

Nils Oscar

Official Clone | Fermentation Temp: 9°C

  • In Stock: 166 st
355 kr
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  • 4.40 kg Pilsner Malt | Balder
  • 0.20 kg Caramel Malt 30


  • 10 g Herkules
  • 15 g Opal
  • 30 g Opal


  • 2 st W Fermolager

Nils Oscar Kellerbier is a well balanced organic unfiltered lager where the malt is dominating the taste and aroma profile. The malt used is called Balder. Balder was nominated in the 1940's one of the most qualitative and flavorful malt varieties on the market by the Swedish Brewery Association. Balder is more aromatic, sweet and has a nuttier taste than modern barley varieties. Lightly hopped with German hops giving fresh citrus notes.

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Expected FG 1.006
Expected ABV 5.8%
Fermentation Temp Beer Kit 9°C
°EBC 8
IBU 28
Estimated OG 1.050
Beer Style Lager
Stig• 2022-01-02

Mitt första försök att jäsa kallt
I kylskåp. Resultatet över förväntan, smakade precis som jag vill att en Kellerbier ska smaka, ren, ganska torr med en aning citrustoner. God som f-n

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A: We´re solely an e-commerce shop but you can chose to pick up your order at our storage. If you´re curious about a specific product or if you want a tour of MM, please contact veronica@maltmagnus.se to book a time or to get more info. Our staff are homebrewers themselfs and use the products in our sortiment. 

Q: How fast can I get an answer?
A: Fast! We have our phone hours workdays between 07.00-15.00 Phone: +4619-18 97 90. You can send us an e-mail to info@maltmagnus.se. You can also DM us at our Social Media to get a quick response: Facebook or Instagram

Q: When are my order delivered?
A: We usually ship an order within 1-2 business days from our warehouse. If you are in a hurry, choose MM-Express at checkout, then we will send you your order on the same business day if you  have placed your order before 10 a clock CET. We ship our goods with Bring where the shipping time is usually expected to take between 1-2 business days, depending on the options + your order's delivery terms.

Nils Oscar brews classic beer in a modern style. Nils Oscar is one of the pioneers in Sweden and was founded back in 1996. We make tasty unarted beer with inspiration from classic beer styles. Our main strength is beer with a clear malt character that is influenced by the modern beer world.

Our source of inspiration was born in 1865 in the small village of Brändön in Norrbotten. Nils Oscar Sundberg was innovative, brave, energetic and a hard-working man who still influences our brand today.

Kungsholmens Kvartersbryggeri was started in 1996 in Stockholm by a group of beer enthusiasts and home brewers. This is in response to the limited range and the less tasty beer.

In 1998, the Brewery is named after the owner's childhood idol and grandfather, Nils Oscar. Sweden's best-selling craft lager beer today is launched under the name Nils Oscar God Lager, (Good Lager).

2000 Nils Oscar wins their first prize in the World Beer Cup with Nils Oscar Barley Wine. In 2002, they win two awards, Christmas Beer 2001 and Imperial Stout. In 2008, Rökporter (Smoke Porter) wins. No other brewery in Sweden has as many World Beer Cup medals.

In 2006 Nils Oscar grows out of the premises on Kungsholmen and the brewery moves to Fruängskällan in Nyköping, here they feel at home.

In 2015, Nils Oscar starts making organic beer and launch the first non-alcoholic beer. Nils Oscar becomes the first Swedish craft brewery to launch a non-alcoholic beer.