Heat Pad | Mangrove Jack's

Mangrove Jack's

Heat Pad from Mangrove Jack's

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Mangrove Jacks Heat pad provides a low constant heat where needed during fermentation.

Inexepensive to run, this electrically operated 25w heat pad measures 31.5 x 31.5cm and fits up to a 33 litre fermenting bin and can be used with beer, cider, wine, mead and distillate washes. It's slimline depth make it ideal for fitting inside a frdige or fermentation chamber.

Control the temperature by attaching this heat pad to the Mangrove Jacks Dual temperature controller, which will allow you to have accurate control of the temperature of the fermentation, and can also be used with a cooling source such as a fridge or cooling coil to add the option to cool the fermentation too.

Power 25W
Length 32 cm
Thickness 6 mm
Output Power Cable Length 200 cm
Width 32 cm

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