
AllA France

Simple hydrometer.

  • In Stock: 455 st
59 kr
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Hydrometer to measure the amount of sugar content in your wort.  

Calibration: Put your hydrometer in water at room temperature (20°C). With water and that temperature your hydrometer should read 1.000. If your hydrometer is reading a couple points higher or lower you need to adjust sample readings by this amount. It is common for the economical hydrometers made for the brewing or winemaking hobbyist to be off by up to 3 points.

ABV: (OG - FG) x 131,25

Length 275 mm
Scale Oechsle: -1.010 till +1.110
Thomas• 2019-02-20

Bättre än den jag fick med i mit startkit från annan leverantör

Carl-Fredrik• 2019-04-05

Funkar bra, dock så diffar min ca 3 ”enheter”, det var vara tur att jag läste beskrivningen på denna sida innan jag mätte vörten.

Andreas• 2019-07-15

Köp inte denna!! Jag köpte 2st hydrometrar och båda diffar hela 3 enheter!! Riktigt värdelöst när det står att hydrometern skall vara kalibrerad i 20c. Jag gjorde min mätning i exakt 20c varmt vatten oxå.

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Q: Can I buy directly from you at a store?
A: We´re solely an e-commerce shop but you can chose to pick up your order at our storage. If you´re curious about a specific product or if you want a tour of MM, please contact veronica@maltmagnus.se to book a time or to get more info. Our staff are homebrewers themselfs and use the products in our sortiment. 

Q: How fast can I get an answer?
A: Fast! We have our phone hours workdays between 07.00-15.00 Phone: +4619-18 97 90. You can send us an e-mail to info@maltmagnus.se. You can also DM us at our Social Media to get a quick response: Facebook or Instagram

Q: When are my order delivered?
A: We usually ship an order within 1-2 business days from our warehouse. If you are in a hurry, choose MM-Express at checkout, then we will send you your order on the same business day if you  have placed your order before 10 a clock CET. We ship our goods with Bring where the shipping time is usually expected to take between 1-2 business days, depending on the options + your order's delivery terms.

ALLA FRANCE is a company based in France. The hydrometer market is a niche market. With more than 500,000 units produced per year, we are certainly the leading manufacturer in the West. The thermometer is the second bestselling measuring instrument in the world, after the manometer (pressure gauge).